Welcome to pymediainfo’s documentation!


This is a simple wrapper around the MediaInfo library, which you can find at https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo

Binary wheels containing the library are provided for Windows and Mac OS X.

Packages are available for several Linux distributions.

Using MediaInfo

There isn’t much to this library so instead of a lot of documentation it is probably best to just demonstrate how it works:

from pymediainfo import MediaInfo
media_info = MediaInfo.parse('my_video_file.mov')
for track in media_info.tracks:
    if track.track_type == 'Video':
        print(track.bit_rate, track.bit_rate_mode, track.codec)

# output: 46033920 CBR DV

If you already have the XML data in a string in memory (e.g. you have previously parsed the file or were sent the dump from mediainfo from someone else) you can call the constructor directly:

from pymediainfo import MediaInfo
media_info = MediaInfo(raw_xml_string)

Since the attributes on the Track objects are being dynamically added as the XML output from MediaInfo is being parsed, there isn’t a firm definition of what will be available at runtime. In order to make consuming the objects easier so that you can avoid having to use hasattr or try/except blocks, the __getattribute__ method has been overriden and will just return None when and if an attribute is referenced but doesn’t exist.

This will enable you to write consuming code like:

from pymediainfo import MediaInfo
media_info = MediaInfo.parse('my_video_file.mov')
for track in media_info.tracks:
    if track.bit_rate is not None:
        print("{}: {}".format(track.track_type, track.bit_rate))
        print("""{} tracks do not have bit rate
                 associated with them.""".format(track.track_type))


General tracks do not have bit rate associated with them.
Video: 46033920
Audio: 1536000
Menu tracks do not have bit rate associated with them.

Reporting Issues / Bugs

Please use the issue tracker in GitHub at https://github.com/sbraz/pymediainfo/issues to report all feature requests or bug reports. Thanks!

Indices and tables